15 years of Ridley’s Games…

Ridley's Games, Emma Holmes

Emma Holmes, Head of Brand at Ridley’s Games, reflects back on 15 years of the brand – and what the future holds!

Ridley’s Games is 15 this year! The game and puzzle company – based in Bath, UK – was founded in 2009 around the idea of evoking the warm nostalgia of childhood memories.

Fuelled by their passion for reinventing toys and games, the team drew inspiration from classics. Their commitment to capturing a vintage feel was so authentic that buyers mistook the products for old vintage games! A successful launch led to more product lines – including a yo-yo, harmonica, and self-inflating whoopee cushion – and the brand became a staple in independent stores and major retailers.

After years of success with the classics, it was time to try something new… Something that no one was doing at the time – making a giftable game. Avocado Smash was born! The litmus test was whether it evoked emotion, and the team still believes in that test today. The goal is for people to be as excited to gift the products as they are to receive them.

A huge milestone for Ridley’s was Avocado Smash being listed by Target; this pivotal moment helped seed – excuse the pun! – their games in the US market. Now six years old, Avocado Smash continues to exceed all expectations. It’s also become a beacon of Ridley’s commitment to sustainability with the move to a biodegradable cornstarch-based case helping to save 3,276kg of virgin plastic from entering the market so far.

Ridley's Games, Emma Holmes

In 2020, Ridley’s Games was acquired by Chronicle Books, forming the perfect partnership of innovative, gift-led brands. Chronicle Books has supported Ridley’s growth, nurtured the creative team, doubled the sales force, opened new sales channels and strengthened global distribution with sales offices in USA, Canada, UK, and Australia.

Recently, Ridley’s has focused on engaging directly with their consumers via social media, including the introduction of ‘Selfish Month’ in June 2024, and the launch of their new website. As a result, the brand has gained a new following, and with popular board game influencers talking about Ridley’s, they aim to reach an even greater audience.

To celebrate our 15th birthday and where it all started, Ridley’s has collaborated with John Lewis to bring back five classic games and toys from the original line. The range looks and feels just like the very first products, but they’re reimagined to be more sustainable and portable.

Q4 also sees the launch of ten new games and puzzles. As ever, the lines are designed to help customers create meaningful experiences by spending quality time together. Kazooing festive tunes, piecing together mini puzzles, soaring spy pigeons over London, and discovering how friends feel about pickles on their burgers are just some of the highlights…

Ridley's Games, Emma Holmes

Creativity is at the heart of everything Ridley’s does, and in this milestone year, the team would like to thank everyone who has supported them – especially those who believed in a game inside an avocado!

This article is dedicated to one of the founders of Ridley’s Games – Richard Barson – who sadly passed all too soon in 2010.

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