All 4 Fun Toys to launch new party game from Barry & Jason Games and Entertainment in Q4 2025

Rich Mazel, All 4 Fun Toys, Jason Lautenschleger, Barry McLaughlin,

Barry & Jason Games and Entertainment have entered into a partnership with Rich Mazel’s All 4 Fun Toys on a new party game for release in Q4 2025.

The deal between All 4 Fun Toys and Barry & Jason Games and Entertainment was struck at New York Toy Fair.

“Rich Mazel is a national treasure, and just like Nicolas Cage we plan to unlock his mysteries, reveal all the secrets, and make billions of dollars in the process,” said Barry McLaughlin.

Jason Lautenschleger mused: “It’s not often that a party game comes along promising to change the way you eat, sleep and live your life…” and then he failed to finish his thought and wandered away.

All 4 Fun’s Rich Mazel added: “While we first met over lunch in Los Angeles a few years ago, this partnership truly took shape when we raced backward through a lazy river at Mandalay Bay frantically pushing kids and families out of the way. Jason may have won, but only because my leg cramped, so there’s definitely an asterisk on that victory.”

Rich Mazel is the Chief Innovation Officer of All 4 Fun Toys, a new venture that looks to bring joy and wonder to kids and kids at heart through unique toy and game creations. He has a storied career in the toy industry, previously finding and developing hits for Spin Master and Hasbro.

Barry & Jason are “Inventertainers” based in Los Angeles, developing party games and creating entertainment for television and live experiences. Their latest game, Feelin’ Cute, made its debut at Toy Fair with Hootenanny Games.

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