AR toys on the rise, according to Collabsco’s Connected Play Landscape 2019


Collabsco has unveiled its annual Connected Play Landscape; this year highlighting 262 companies, products and emerging technologies, an increase of 150% from 2018’s study.

The 2019 Connected Play Landscape spans the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robots, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Wearables, Near Field Communication (NFC), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Voice Assistants, as well as additional areas centered around how various technologies are implemented.

“Our goal is to educate, collaborate and inspire the industry and future leaders by uncovering emerging technologies, real-world consumer insights, business growth opportunities and collaborative partnerships to create experiences that ignite imagination, create a sense of wonderment and shape the future of play,” said Collabsco founder Valerie Vacante.

“The connected play landscape was designed to provide a single, consolidated view of the companies and collaborators breaking barriers through the emerging technologies and the power of play.”

Currently the highest area of growth since last year has been augmented reality (18.5%), followed by IoT (10.4%) with Robotics, Makers, EdTech and Location Based Entertainment (9.6%). Wearables (6.9%), NFC/RFID and Voice follow (6.2%) with social (3.1%) and new category with “Let’s Play” (2.7%) rounding out the landscape.

Check out this year’s Connected Play Landscape below:

Collabsco’s Connected Landscape

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