Entertoyment joins Mojo Pitch 2019

“Our experience at last year’s Mojo Pitch was very satisfying, thanks to great organisation and a very good conversion rate in terms of concepts reviewed and agreed upon,” said Entertoyment director Josep Pastor.

Toy and Game Design Conference to put eco-friendly design under the microscope in ‘Is Sustainable Attainable?’ session

Issues of eco-friendly design, ethical manufacturing and social sustainability will go under the microscope with Kids Industries’ Gary Pope, Ethical Toy Program’s Carmel Giblin, The Marketing Store’s Ben Poate and design consultant Erin Deighton.

Just One, L.A.M.A. and Werewords in running for Spiel des Jahres 2019

Elsewhere, Carpe Diem, Detective and Wingspan will battle it out for the Kennerspiel des Jahres

Fuse’s Pete Cartlidge to helm ‘Don’t Forget the Past!’ session at Toy and Game Design Conference

In ‘Don’t Forget the Past!’, Cartlidge will be looking at how past trends and items are often a source of inspiration to him and his team.

Little Inventors’ Dominic Wilcox to discuss ‘The Search for Ideas’ at Toy and Game Design Conference 2019

“As an artist and inventor of unusual objects, I’ve spent my working life trying to come up with great ideas,” said Wilcox.

Tonies co-creator Patric Faßbender on the origins of his playful, screen-free audio device for kids

We caught up Faßbender to learn more about where the idea came from, and what the future holds for the Tonies brand.

Wow! Stuff to be wow’d at this year’s Mojo Pitch

“This year’s Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak epitomises our company’s focus on creating ground-breaking, blockbuster selling products,” said Dr. Jim Wyatt, Director of Inventor Relations at Wow! Stuff.

From Othello to Nerf Ping Pong, Fireball Island to Timber Tots, Patti and Jonathan Becker on the million-dollar question: How do you know a great product when you see one?

We caught up with Patti to learn more about the origins of Anjar and Becker Associates, get the low-down on some of their recent success stories and find out exactly when they know they’ve discovered something special.

Amigo Spiele joins Mojo Pitch 2019

“It is the first time for us, so we are excited to experience the Mojo Pitch first hand,” said Bernd Keller, head of game development at Amigo Spiele.

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