Headcase Media’s Joseph Wheway on how a ‘less is more’ approach can achieve the best products

We caught up with Wheway to find more about his approach to toy design, working with brands and the ‘less is more’ aids his development process.

One Dear World named Family Business of the Year at FSB Celebrating Small Business Awards

One Dear World is the firm behind a line of popular multicultural dolls.

Rubik’s, Bananagrams and Seven Towns join Mojo Pitch 2018

“What Mojo Nation is doing throughout the year is fantastic and we expect this to be the crowning event of the year,” said Seven Towns’ Steve Perrin.

TOMY’s Alpesh Patel on why creativity in the toy space is as good as it’s been in decades

We caught up with TOMY’s head of R&D to discuss his design journey in the toy space, the creative culture at TOMY and how he assesses creativity in the industry.

Play Creators Festival to usher in new design talent with Student Conference

Taking place at the Design Museum in London on Wednesday, September 12th, the event aims to encourage more product design students to take up careers in the toy and game space.

PlayFusion brings AR to Warhammer

“Partnering with Games Workshop fulfills a lifelong dream of contributing to the Warhammer universe,” said Mark Gerhard, CEO and co-founder of PlayFusion.

Asmodee to develop films, TV shows, comics and graphic novels based on its games portfolio

Firm sets up new division, Asmodee Entertainment, with former Games Workshop exec Andy Jones at the helm.

Blok.Party merges digital and physical gaming with PlayTable

“We made PlayTable to bring people together and rediscover the magic of the communal gaming experience,” said Jimmy Chen, CEO and co-founder of Blok.Party.

Rob Ames and Luc Hudson talk Triclops Studio’s new Invention Hub

We caught up with Rob Ames and Luc Hudson to learn more about the firm’s fresh design space, as well as its new Invention Hub arm.

Board Game Club looks ahead to 4th birthday and London Games Festival Fringe event

Celebrating its four-year milestone, Board Game Club will be holding an evening of gaming on the March 21st at Every Hotel Piccadilly, London.

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