LEGO Ninjago Design Manager Michael Svane Knap on inspiration… And what’s next for the brand

Michael Svane Knap Design Manager, LEGO Ninjago, on toys, inspiration and bridging media…

TOMY legend Alpesh Patel on breaking toys, dinosaurs for toddlers and creative filters

Alpesh Patel, Vice President, Global Toy Design at TOMY, talks to us about Toomies, Jurassic Park and the one question he always asks himself…

Inventors Scott Pease and Jeff Swenty on how video games helped them design the hit toy brand Snap Ships

Snap Ships inventors Scott Pease and Jeff Swenty on building modular toys, pitching to PlayMonster… And how the brand may look in 2030.

Mind Candy legend Darran Garnham on staying creative and his new company, Toikido

Serial entrepreneur Darran Garnham tells us what he learned from Moshi Monsters… And what he has planned for the Among Us toy line.

Francesco Lercari, CEO of Megableu US, on old passions, new products and the one-minute pitch

Megableu US’s Francesco Lercari on creativity, pitching and why he values a great brief.

Crayola’s Joseph Moll on evergreen core play patterns… And the secret of creativity

Inventor Relations guru on what he looks for in ideas, how to pitch and why he’s always talking to scientists.

Hues and Cues inventor Scott Brady on creativity, limits and getting to market

After launching his first game at New York Toy Fair, Scott Brady talks ideas, colours – and trading on the Moon.

Otrio inventor Brady Peterson on dreaming ideas, pitching and what’s next…

Inventor Brady Peterson on Otrio, magnets… And the BIG lesson he learned early.

KID Group co-founder Dan Klitsner on Bop It’s origins, his dream job… And the importance of champions

In the first of a two-part chat, inventor Dan Klitsner talks about the career he’s yet to have, rejection – and why champions are as important as sizzles.

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