YuMe Toys’ Felipe Noriega and Gurdeep Bains on encapsulating 100 years of Disney magic in collectibles
Felipe Noriega – Vice President & Regional Director, EMEA, Maxx Marketing & Licensing Matters – and Gurdeep Bains – Global Creative Director, Maxx Group & YuMe Toys – on the creative process behind their Disney 100 Surprise capsules.
Helvetiq’s Hadi Barkat on creativity, style – and why he licensed Bandido on the spot
Hadi Barkat – CEO and Founder of Helvetiq – on the types of games he’s looking for from inventors.
Dominique Roy discusses the art, craft and development of two new Make It Real products
Make It Real’s Dominique Roy on nailing nail decocoration… And reinventing the (pottery) wheel
Tantrum’s Steve Moore on collaborations, transformations and the ‘Solo Inventors Union’
Tantrum Innovation’s Steve Moore talks us through some of his recent creations, including a Jurassic take on Rock Em Sock Em Robots and the Miraculous Switch N Go Scooter.
Funko Games’ Deirdre Cross on Cranium: 25th Anniversary Edition – and why the brand continues to thrive
Deirdre Cross – General Manager, Head of Funko Games – discusses the firm’s Cranium slate, as well as what to expect from Disney Animated.
Blechfabrik’s Hans-Heinrich Mückenheim discusses the love, nostalgia and market for tin toys
Hans-Heinrich Mückenheim – founder of Blechfabrik – on how his passion for tin toys became a career
Designer Luca Borsa on putting storytelling at the heart of games like Quicky Quack and Monster Dentist with his partner Luca Bellini
Game designer Luca Borsa discusses his approach to creative collaborations.
Game designers Knut Happel and Christian Fiore on creating Ravensburger’s Minecraft: Heroes of the Village
Christian Fiore and Knut Happel discuss adapting the hit video game into a tabletop experience.
Deirdre Cross – General Manager, Head of Funko Games – on why Star Wars is a dream licence
Funko Games’s Deirdre Cross discusses the stylised figures and immersive play of Star Wars: Rivals
Rachele Harmuth – Head of ThinkFun – on how the industry can help build resilience in children through MESH
ThinkFun’s Rachele Harmuth discusses her entry into the toy world and how inventors can engage with MESH – which stands for Mental Emotional Social Health.