
Paper Bag Creative’s Ed Gartin on wishlists, creativity and the key to successful inventor relations

We caught up with Ed to find out more about his career in play to date, the key to successful inventor relations and his experience of launching a new business in the midst of a pandemic.

David Strang, founder of Wicked Vision, on pitching, being pitched… And 21 years in the business

Wicked Vision’s David Strang tells us about the company’s originality, innovation, ambition… And mission!

Jane Garfield on how The Toy Project supports the community, recycles toys and provides LEGO-play therapy

The Toy Project founder Jane Garfield on the importance of play – and the many ways her charity provides it.

Educational Insights’ Heather Weeks on inventors, creativity and misconceptions about educational toys

Heather Weeks, Senior Director of Product Development at Educational Insights, tells us about the firm’s kid-first approach to design, and why she loves to work with inventors.

SnapDragon’s Rachel Jones on helping inventors and toy firms fight the fakes

Rachel Jones, Founder and Head Dragon at SnapDragon, tells us about the firm’s work in the toy space, and how it engages with the inventor community.

Mondo’s Mike Bonanno and Hector Arce on Godzilla collectibles, Gremlins tiki mugs and bringing cult IP into the toy space

We caught up Mike Bonanno and Hector Arce, Creative Directors of Mondo’s Toy and Collectibles division, to find out more about how the company approaches toy design – and what fuels their creativity.

BOTI’s Nico Blauw on the importance of keeping things open, simple and fair with inventors

Nico Blauw, President and CEO of BOTI, tells us about his route into the industry and why innovation is core to what he looks for from inventors.

Mattel designer Michael Kadile talks creativity, charity – and floating a crib from The Mandalorian

Michael Kadile on how he made a floating crib from The Mandalorian… To raise $12,000 for charity!

Roydon Turner on how toy firms can help change the conversation around organ donation with the Orgamites

We caught up with Roydon to find out more about the origins of the Orgamites, and why licensing makes sense as the next step for the brand.

Coyote & Crow designer Connor Alexander on representation, world-building and the little details that help create immersive RPGs

We caught up with Connor to learn more about how he built the world of Coyote & Crow – and what he thinks of how the industry is tackling issues of representation.

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