Gabe Lam – Design and Development Manager at Native Shoes – on designing the firm’s Crayola footwear collection
Native Shoes’ Gabe Lams talks us through the creative process behind the Crayola collection – and delves into how sustainability anchors the firm’s approach to footwear.
The team at PhoneSoap on opportunities for toy collaborations that educate, problem-solve and promote healthy habits
We caught up with the team to find out more about the firm’s approach to collaborating with brands on devices that disinfect toys.
Ryan Miller – creator of The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game – on how performing improv comedy shaped his approach to game design
We caught up with Ryan to find out more about the origins of his Princess Bride game – and find out how improv comedy shapes how he tackles design.
Industry legend Robert Fuhrer on developing the Spirograph Animator
Robert Fuhrer reveals how Nextoy, DubiToys and PlayMonster put a new spin on an old favourite.
London Toy Company founder, Joel Berkowitz, talks plush toys and lush licensing
Joel Berkowitz reveals how he started London Toy Company in a flash of inspiration.
Chinti & Parker’s Anna Singh on celebrating colours and creativity with a Crayola knitwear collection
Anna Singh, Co-Founder at Chinti & Parker, talks about the creative process behind the firm’s new Crayola apparel range.
Marty Pardoe of Bubblegum Stuff discusses notebooks, Post-its and product design
Bubblegum Stuff product designer Marty Pardoe on having ideas – and not being a scarecrow.
WooHoo Workshop’s Courtney Pearson on inventing, inspiration and ideas that arrive in dreams
We chat with WooHoo Workshop’s Courtney Pearson about where ideas come from, her education in toy design – and why now is a good time to be an inventor.
Amanda Gummer discusses how her Good Toy Guide is joining forces with The Toy Association to look at STEAM Toy Assessment
Research psychologist Dr. Amanda Gummer on why STEAM Toy Assessment needs structure.
Spin Master’s Tal Schrieber reveals the three biggest mistakes inventors make
Tal Schreiber from Spin Master on the difference between inventors and designers.