
New York Toy Fair no longer taking place this year

“Our foremost consideration is the health and well-being of the global toy and play community and setting a clear path forward,” said Steve Pasierb, president and CEO of The Toy Association.

Asmodee embarks on Dobble licensing push with Paw Patrol, Pixar, Marvel and Minions versions

“We’re excited to be partnering with four iconic brands on an ambitious release schedule as we continue to take Dobble from strength to strength,” said Asmodee’s Anil Boodhoo.

Spin Master welcomes back Rich Mazel and promotes Dougal Grimes and Harrie Sivanander as part of Inventor Relations shake-up

“We’re doubling down on innovation, Inventor Relations and new product development, and investing heavily in a future full of new projects and great new toys,” said Ben Dermer, SVP of Creative Development at Spin Master.

Rubik’s Cube movie and game show in the works

“In partnership with Hyde Park we look forward to creating film, television, and game show content for global audiences,” said Endeavor Content’s Graham Taylor.

LEGO debuts Botanical Collection designed to help adults “switch off and relax”

“The customisable elements and mindful building experience will hopefully help them express their personality as their creativity blossoms,” said LEGO Design Lead Jamie Berard.

IMC Toys bolsters design team with Elise Hounslow

“After a long drive, dodging the lockdowns and jumping the Brexit hurdles, it’s not been the easiest of transitions, but I finally made it to Barcelona where I’m excited to be joining the IMC Toys team,” said Hounslow.

Core Home launches new games brand, Yellow Cab Games

While the development of the products is ongoing, Yellow Cab Games is actively seeking talent in the game development arena to help guide their new initiative.

Spin Master welcomes Max Rangel as Global President and details next stage in company’s “evolution”

Spin Master’s Co-Founders and current Co-CEOs, Ronnen Harary and Anton Rabie, will work closely with Rangel over the next several months to ensure a seamless transition, following which they will continue their leadership of the strategic path for Spin Master in their roles on the Board.

Our top ten most read articles of 2020

Interviews with David Winter, Richard C Levy and Tanya Thompson all feature in the top ten.

Mattel teams with artist Nina Chanel Abney for limited edition UNO set

“UNO can be such an emotional game, I thought it would be fun to create cards that could speak for themselves and elicit even more of a response from the players than they already are,” said Abney.

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