Kidult… Here to stay or flash in the pan?
Kidult: Hot new trend? Flash in the pan? Or something that’s been a mainstay of the industry for decades? We ask industry figures for their take…
Challenges and opportunities…
With 2025 in full swing, design and invention figures discuss the exciting opportunities and tricky troubles ahead…
Stuff We Loved: What are the industry’s favourite toy and game launches of 2024?
We asked figures in the industry for their favourite toy and game launches of the year. The only caveat… They couldn’t choose a product they were involved in!
Monopoly at 90: Celebrating nine essential versions of the world’s best-selling branded game
As we look forward to Monopoly’s 90th anniversary, Deej Johnson looks back at nine great versions…
Cluedo at 75: The history and mysteries of the boardgame Clue… And why the inventor vanished!
What was the first Clue?! As the game turns 75, Deej Johnson looks at the inventor’s original patent.
A two-player game won the Spiel des Jahres this year… Is this category an exciting opportunity for designers and publishers – or a tough sell?
We ask publishers and designers about whether Sky Team’s success could spark a wider interest in two-player games.
Talking Brands: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS celebrates its 50th anniversary this year… What’s the secret to its longevity?
“It’s more than a game, it’s the progenitor of a whole new form of entertainment”: As D&D turns 50, we asked figures in the industry for their thoughts as to why it continues to survive – and thrive!
Introverts, Extraverts and Inventing
Which personality type is more useful for a career in toy and game invention? Inventors share their thoughts…
Stuff We Loved: What are the industry’s favourite toy and game launches of 2023?
We asked figures in the industry for their favourite toy and game launches of the year. The only caveat… They couldn’t choose a product they were involved in!
“Game changer” or “Time trap”: Inventors and designers discuss the perks and pitfalls of AI-generated art
Great for ideation or creativity kryptonite? Toy and game designers discuss AI-generated art.