Hootenanny Games launches Sour Patch Kids edition of SIXEM

Hootenanny Games, Sour Patch Kids

Hootenanny Games has launched a Sour Patch Kids version of its popular SIXEM dice game.

The game sees players aim to be the first to line up their Xs in a way that matches a chosen pattern, all by rolling combinations of numbers and colours.

Players roll and re-roll dice as fast possible to be the first to get one through six on their dice, before shouting “stop” to freeze all other players. When this happens, all players mark their board with each number or colour combination shown on their dice.

This Sour Patch Kids edition of the game introduces a twist on the classic SIXEM game. When a player rolls a number or colour combination that already matches an X on their board, they have a decision. They can be ‘Sour’ and erase that X from an opponent’s board, or be ‘Sweet’ and give that X to another player.

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