
Pitching to Fat Brain Toys? Director of Product Innovation Adam Carson discusses how…

“Classic play patterns with a twist…” Adam Carson on what Fat Brain Toys looks for in ideas.

“Games fail in the face of reality – or they assert themselves!”: Zoch’s Walter Scholz on embracing unique ideas

“Try to be unique”: Walter Scholz – Editor at Zoch – reveals what he looks for from game inventors.

Inventor Dan Klitsner interviews Deej Johnson about writing rules, creating magic – and bottling objects!

Mojo Nation’s Deej Johnson on creative magic, improbable objects and asking: “What’s impossible?”

“The key to its success is the players”: Cynthia Williams – President of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Gaming – on why D&D continues to thrive

Cynthia Williams – President of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Gaming – discusses the key to D&D’s longevity.

What should you put in a sell sheet and a sizzle? Hasbro’s Angus Walker shares his thoughts

Angus Walker, Hasbro’s Head of Inventor Relations and External Innovation, on sell sheets and sizzles

Ravensburger’s Christine Meier and Alexander Loehr discuss the development of Play+

“We’ve had to build a design language from scratch.”: Ravensburger’s Alexander Loehr, International Category Director for Infant/Toddler, and Christine Meier, Team Lead Editorial for Infant & Toddler Books, on tackling a new age group for the company.

Designer Chris Priscott on how his popular card game Zuuli found its way to Oink

With Oink set to re-launch Zuuli as Moving Wild, designer Chris Pricott sheds light on the story so far.

Rolling the dice: Jayme Boucher on Roll20’s mission to empower gamers everywhere

Jayme Boucher, Senior Marketing Manager at Roll20, discusses how the company helps gamers craft digital RPG experiences.

“Complexity kills. Simplicity wins.” Florenci Verbon on pitching ideas to him at Educa Borras

What’s the best way to pitch to Educa Borras? Director General Florenci Verbon tells all…

Don’t Bop It, Sling It! KID Group’s Dan Klitsner on being inspired by medieval sausage slinging

“It’s like ax throwing – but with a sausage…” Dan Klitsner Kickstarts KID Group’s latest game!

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