Three lightbulb moments at Amazon HQ
Robots, voice-based games and giant plant walls. Hazel Reynolds from Gamely Games shares three realisations from her time at the Amazon headquarters in Seattle.
Beyond the Product: 360° thinking for IP
Making Things’ Fi Murray looks at how broad thinking can help transform one killer invention into a hot new brand spanning multiple product categories…
Patience is a Virtue
Play futurist Yesim Kunter questions why some toy companies still don’t have patience when it comes to the design process, and looks at the impact that rushed ideation can have…
Digital transformation
Si digital’s Head of Design – Tom O’Malley – talks digital transformation and how it can give superpowers to toy and entertainment companies.
Here’s an idea…
Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes shines a spotlight on the importance of ideas management, and why the old saying, “If you love something, let it go” is especially apt when it comes to ideation.
The emotional roots of “Not Invented Here Syndrome”
Having encountered “Not Invented Here Syndrome” throughout a career in inventor relations, TinkerTini’s Trina McFarland digs under the surface of this decision-making process; unpicking the complex set of emotions and behaviour behind it
Three things I learned from London Toy Fair 2020
Having wandered the aisles of Toy Fair, Gamely’s Hazel Reynolds shares her three stand-out thoughts from her time at the show.
Dragons’ Den: One year on… any regrets?
Almost a year since appearing on Dragons’ Den, Gamely’s Hazel Reynolds reflects on the business’ last 12 months, and whether she has any regrets about turning down an offer of investment.
Three simple (but not obvious) tips on playtesting
Gamely Games’ Hazel Reynolds shares three important things she’s learnt about playtesting (spoiler: you can’t rely on your mum!) .
The formula for successful toy and game inventing
Inventors looking to build and sustain a successful career need to embrace the quality x quantity formula, says Kids Brand Insight’s Steve Reece.