TOMY’s Julie Gwaltney and Lorena Montalvo on bringing LatinX influences into pre-school play with Bebé Fuerte

Julie Gwaltney, Senior Director at TOMY, and Lorena Montalvo, Senior Product Designer at TOMY, on why authenticity is at the heart of its new Bebé Fuerte range.

Perfect Partners: Inventors discuss the art of collaboration

What makes inventor partnerships work?! We find out from two pairs of studios… Making Things & Phase Two, and Big Ideas & Tricky.

The Marketing Store’s Geoff Smyrk on innovation, sustainability and the future of play

Geoff Smyrk ­– VP, Global Creative Director at The Marketing Store – on how they and McDonald’s are on innovation’s frontline when it comes to sustainability in toys.

From Leapfrog and Matchbox to Palitoy and Hasbro: John Barbour’s incredible career in toys

Meet the man that took from small fry to big success: industry legend John Barbour

GPI’s Top 10 Things to Know About… Paper Stocks and Printing Techniques

GPI’s ‘Things to Know’ series continues with this deep dive into paper and printing.

Why thought, passion, enthusiasm and respect mean so much to the award-winning Pete Kellond

Hasbro’s Pete Kellond reveals what he enjoys most about the toy, game and entertainment industry

The secrets of creativity: what do magicians know? Prolific inventor Mark Setteducati tells all…

Magician, artist and inventor Mark Setteducati on his habitual creativity – and I.D.I.O.T. Award!

KID Group’s Dan Klitsner on the story behind Freefall, a game 22 years in the making

Prolific inventor Dan Klitsner discusses Pop It Pro, Freefall and his most underrated invention.

Creative Craft Group launches Play-Doh arts and activity range

“Collaborating with such a knowledgeable and market-leading partner like Play-Doh is a boost to our creativity,” said Erik van Erp, CEO of Creative Craft Group.

Thorpe Park’s tea cup ride to be rebranded as the Dobble Tea Party

As part of the partnership, Asmodee will launch a Thorpe Park Resort edition of Dobble featuring symbols of the theme park’s rides.

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