Deirdre Cross – General Manager, Head of Funko Games – on why Star Wars is a dream licence
Funko Games’s Deirdre Cross discusses the stylised figures and immersive play of Star Wars: Rivals
Bluebird Toys founder, Sir Torquil Norman, CBE, discusses his extraordinary career
As Sir Torquil Norman, CBE, celebrates his 90th birthday, we look back at a roundtable chat from 2014 where he tells Dougal Grimes how Polly Pocket came to market…
Only a few weeks left to get your nominations in for this year’s Play Creators Awards 2023
The deadline to get your nominations in is Friday, April 28th.
Scrabble at 75: Deej Johnson and guests celebrate the iconic game in 7.5 fantastic sets
Deej Johnson, Ray Adler, Megan McCourt, Mike Bucher & Jim Harrison on Scrabble at 75
Funko Games details slate of Indiana Jones games
“Collaborating with Lucasfilm on Indiana Jones has been a dream, with the whole Funko Games team flexing their creative muscles as we designed a truly original slate of games,” said Deirdre Cross, Head of Funko Games.
Board Game Club to return next month
“We’re looking forward to making everyone’s lives more playful with some great sociable games from the likes of Exploding Kittens and Funko Games,” said Playtime PR’s Lesley Singleton.
Rachele Harmuth – Head of ThinkFun – on how the industry can help build resilience in children through MESH
ThinkFun’s Rachele Harmuth discusses her entry into the toy world and how inventors can engage with MESH – which stands for Mental Emotional Social Health.
Daryl Andrews on the secret sauce that makes a game right for Maestro Media
Maestro Media’s Daryl Andrews on what to keep in mind when you pitch to them!
Funko Games brings collectibles into card games with Star Wars Rivals
“The latest collaboration with Lucasfilm for the Star Wars Rivals Game has continued to elevate Funko Games’ collectible offerings through its all-new art style, including awesome hologram variants,” said Deirdre Cross, Head of Funko Games.
CATAN creator Klaus Teuber passes away aged 70
‘We encourage you to honour Klaus’ memory by being kind to one another, pursuing your creative passions fearlessly and enjoying a game with your loved ones’ read a statement from CATAN Studio.