Mojo Pitch 2024 welcomes Buffalo Games and Gamewright
“Let’s unleash the innovation and make great play,” said John Bell, Director of Inventor Relations & Preliminary Design at Buffalo Games and Gamewright.
Industry stalwart Lee Allentuck launches The Plan A Group consultancy
“Our mission is to continue paving new paths for the industry by fostering partnerships, nurturing creativity and developing products that resonate with today’s dynamic market,” said Allentuck.
Dan Klitsner reveals how Hyper Dash is retuning to the market – looking better than ever
Then and Now: serial inventor Dan Klitsner on how old ideas are fuelling new products…
The Future of IP Security
Etched founder Victor Caddy reveals how his company’s unique use of blockchain helps protect IP.
Making Connections
Award-winning game inventor Ellie Dix reveals the benefits of spending time with other designers.
Introverts, Extraverts and Inventing
Which personality type is more useful for a career in toy and game invention? Inventors share their thoughts…
Dean Carley – Hasbro’s Head of Global Design – on innovation, inspiration and inventors
Hasbro’s Dean Carley discusses the key to successfully innovating around beloved brands.
Asmodee joins Mojo Pitch 2024
“Asmodee is excited to attend Mojo Pitch this year,” said Michaël Gonçalves, Asmodee’s SVP of Social Games and Head of Studio Zygomatic.
“There is no secret sauce!” Suzanne Robinson reveals what REALLY makes Carterbench remarkable…
Suzanne Robinson discusses all things Carterbench – and winning the I.D.I.O.T. Award
76% of children consider themselves ‘fans’ of something, reveals KI study
“Our latest study paints a clear picture – the number of children considering themselves a fan of something is increasing,” said Jelena Stosic, Strategy Director at KI.