People of Play merges with The Toy Association

People of Play, Toy Association, Mary Couzin, Greg Ahearn

People of Play is merging with The Toy Association.

Mary Couzin, founder of People of Play, will be joining the senior leadership team at the Association, where she will be responsible for guiding the future and growth of its new People of Play arm.

People of Play’s assets and events, including Chicago Toy and Game Fair, The Toy & Game Innovation Excellence Awards, the Bloom Report, Young Inventor Challenge, Toy & Game Inventor Pitch & Innovation Conference, Play in Education and POP Platforms, and the People of Play Holiday Guide will join The Toy Association’s portfolio.

“Who knew that over 20 years ago, when I started Chicago Toy & Game Group, now People of Play, and hosted our first big event, the Chicago Toy & Game Fair, to promote play, we would add so many events and initiatives as well as have such an amazing, long-lasting effect on the industry,” said Mary Couzin, founder of People of Play.

“By joining The Toy Association with their additional resources and new vision, we can strengthen our brands for generations to come. I’m thrilled that People of Play will continue to grow and flourish and want to thank everyone who has been a part of our initiatives. As we have shown, everything is possible when people of play collaborate.”

Greg Ahearn, President and Chief Executive of The Toy Association, added: “We saw the opportunity to be a catalyst for creativity and innovation by aligning with Mary Couzin and People of Play and utilizing our assets and experiences to help People of Play and its events grow.

“Mary, a toy industry Hall of Famer, has built an amazing community with some of the most unique events, consumer engagement moments, compelling content, and industry resources and we are excited to have her and People of Play as part of The Toy Association. With People of Play and The Toy Association working together, the possibilities are endless.”

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