Plus Science brings Light’n Race – a light-powered racing toy – to Kickstarter

Plus Science, Umut Ogur

Educational technology company Plus Science has launched Light’nRace – a light-powered racing toy – on Kickstarter.

To propel their vehicles to victory, players strategically place remote-controlled mirrors to direct sunlight onto car solar panels.

“In order to tackle some of the biggest issues now and in the future, we need to get young people to get interested and skill up in STEM,” said Umut Ogur, Founder and CEO of Plus Science.

“Light’n Race is one way we aim to do that — teaching kids about alternative energy and responsible power consumption through exciting gameplay and fostering critical thinking skills to help create a brighter future. We are taking gameplay and learning to the next level.”

The Light’n Race kits include a Solar Rider car at £29 through to the Experimental Challenge kit – featuring a full track and Solar Riders – for £699.

Check out the campaign at

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