Ravensburger bolsters Horrified line with World of Monsters

Ravensburger, Horrified, Lysa Penrose, Sam Dawson

Ravensburger is expanding its line of Horrified games with Horrified: World of Monsters.

The cooperative game sees players face off against the Sphinx, Yeti, Jiangshi, and Cthulhu and includes all-new rules that allows players to mix and match monsters with Horrified: Greek Monsters.

To accurately portray the Jiangshi – the hopping vampire from Chinese folklore – Ravensburger worked with Sen-Foong Lim, a cultural consultant who also co-wrote Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall.

“In developing Horrified: World of Monsters, we hoped to continue the series’ five-year legacy of impeccable atmosphere, immersive gameplay and detailed miniatures, all while adding some extra fearsome ‘firsts’ for Horrified,” said Lysa Penrose, Head of New Games Marketing at Ravensburger.

“Horrified: World of Monsters marks our first mix-and-match rules, our first multi-phase monster challenge, and our first release at a new, more approachable price point… Because the Void at the centre of this world of monsters can spit out all kinds of fiends, it’s the perfect ‘base’ setting to mix and match monsters from Horrified: Greek Monsters… And dare I threaten future Horrified games to come!”

Creating a puzzle to represent Cthulhu led to Horrified’s first multi-phase puzzle.

“We realized early that Cthulhu is not your standard Horrified Monster”, added Mike Mulvihill, Game Development Manager at Ravensburger, who co-designed the game’s narrative with Sam Dawson and Lysa Penrose.

“Cthulhu is seen as a force of pure evil, deeper and more complex than anything we’ve ever done. Working with Peter Lee, who designs our monster challenges, we decided the only way to honour this disturbing and truly horrific monster was with a two-stage puzzle… One in the realm of world of Monsters and one in Cthulhu’s realm… The Corpse City of R’lyeh.”

Sam Dawson, Art Director at Ravensburger, added: “For World of Monsters, we really wanted to use every inch of real estate on the components to grow the Horrified universe. This iteration started as ‘steampunk light’ where analogue technology meets magic, but then we added the concept of the Void in the centre of town. This acts as a gateway to infinite worlds and timelines. In addition to old tech, you’ll also spot Greek columns and a decaying airliner to impress on players that anything is possible.”

Horrified: World of Monsters will be available from August 1st in the US and from September in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

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