Rob Kay, beloved co-founder of Carterbench, passed away on June 14th.

Rob Kay, Carterbench

With a background in advertising, Rob entered the toy industry through a mix of serendipity and skilful design. Having a number of toy manufacturers among his clients helped give him the confidence to set up Carterbench’s product development division in the mid 1980s.

Initially designing and developing his own product ideas, Rob soon saw the company become a force to be reckoned with. By the early 1990s, the name Carterbench was synonymous with innovation. Their clients included Waddingtons Games, Mattel and Fisher-Price. Among the high-profile successes were Cabbage Patch Kids Babblin Doll, Bizzy Buzzy Bumble Bees and the Mega Rig line of vehicles for Matchbox.

Over the years, Rob helped build a team that, to this day, is known for its huge talent and great loyalty. In an interview earlier this year, Rob’s friend and colleague, Suzanne Robinson, spoke warmly of Rob’s eye for product and his great sense of humour. You can read that interview here. Rob is survived by his wife Kath; their three children Ben, Leona and Olivia, and six grandchildren. Our heartfelt condolences to our friends on the Carterbench team, and all those that knew Rob.

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