Andrew Harman

Anderson Entertainment teams with designer Andrew Harman for Thunderbirds: Danger Zone card game

Anderson Entertainment connected with Harman following a call out to game designers through Mojo Nation.

Award-winning game designer Andrew Harman on simplicity, playtesting and success at The Gruffalo Design Challenge

With an award-winning dice game to his name, and a new collection hitting shelves soon, we spoke to Andrew about The Gruffalo, the hardest part of his process… and ABBA

Ominoes creator Andrew Harman on finding inspiration at the UK Games Expo

At this year’s UK Games Expo, Ominoes, ‘the dice game for everyone’, was named Best Abstract Game 2017. Only 12 months earlier, creator Andrew Harman had been cooped up in his hotel room, plotting out the first iteration of the game having been inspired by a day of chatting to publishers at UK Games Expo 2016.

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