Jason Lautenschleger

Barry McLaughlin and Jason Lautenschleger on why inventors should embrace the world of content creation

The duo at Barry & Jason Games and Entertainment discuss their recent work in content creation – and how it shapes the development of their own games.

Barry McLaughlin and Jason Lautenschleger on injecting more talk into trivia with Okay, Genius…

The duo at Barry & Jason Games and Entertainment discuss the origins of their new party game and how they approach creating experiences to make you laugh.

Goliath acquires Game Night in a Can from Barry & Jason Games & Entertainment

“Adding Game Night in a Can to our broad party game portfolio perfectly aligns with our mission of spreading joy and togetherness across the globe,” said Brian Weiss, President of Goliath Group North America.

Barry & Jason Games’ Barry McLaughlin and Jason Lautenschleger on why silly sizzles sell

Barry McLaughlin and Jason Lautenschleger discuss their approach to pitching – and we get the lowdown on their new games, Scribble Hips and It’s Tricky.

Barry & Jason Games’ Barry McLaughlin and Jason Lautenschleger on the launch of their new creative studio

We caught up with Barry and Jason to find out what prompted this change in direction – and how they’re now looking to work with toy and game firms.

Barry & Jason Games’ Barry McLaughlin and Jason Lautenschleger on creativity, Bill & Ted and ‘Brain Blasts’

We caught up with Barry and Jason to learn more about their collaborative design process, and how their approach to game ideation changes when working with a IP like Bill & Ted.

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